
Metabolomics studies the chemical processes that involve metabolites. It focuses on the chemical fingerprints that remain after cellular processes occur and studies the profiles of the metabolites. Metabolomics provides a instant snapshot of the physiology of a cell and hence provides useful information about that cell for research. The fingerprints located on each cell type provide organ specific and tissue specific information. This is more specialized information than some studies such as the study of biofluids, which only provides generalized information.

When it comes to comprehending disease mechanisms, certain studies such as Toxicology can detect physiological changes. These changes are usually because toxic insulation of chemicals in patients with different syndromes/diseases in the body. This knowledge is relevant mostly for pharmaceutical companies. If they know that certain chemicals or a mixture of chemicals affect patients with certain diseases in a negative way, they can eliminate drugs with these chemicals or modify their drugs in terms of toxicity for their patients. This elimination and modification can save a lot of time, money and even lives. For example many cancer patients endure treatments as experiments. However, if toxicology were to advance further more secure and helpful treatments would be found faster. Thus more lives would be saved.

Another field known as functional genomics, focuses on determining phenotypes that are cause by gene deletion or insertion. This is useful for useful pharmaceutical companies that use plant based medicines as well as general food consumption. Companies that modify their plants for human or animal consumption must know what the modification will result in. Certain modifications can help greatly for medicines and some may harm due to a change in toxicity.

All in all, although metabolomics is a new and growing field it is a vital one when it comes to advances in medicine. The more studies done in this field will result in more cures and treatments for diseases and a more medically advanced world.

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