
Metabolomics studies the chemical processes that involve metabolites. It focuses on the chemical fingerprints that remain after cellular processes occur and studies the profiles of the metabolites. Metabolomics provides a instant snapshot of the physiology of a cell and hence provides useful information about that cell for research. The fingerprints located on each cell type provide organ specific and tissue specific information. This is more specialized information than some studies such as the study of biofluids, which only provides generalized information.

When it comes to comprehending disease mechanisms, certain studies such as Toxicology can detect physiological changes. These changes are usually because toxic insulation of chemicals in patients with different syndromes/diseases in the body. This knowledge is relevant mostly for pharmaceutical companies. If they know that certain chemicals or a mixture of chemicals affect patients with certain diseases in a negative way, they can eliminate drugs with these chemicals or modify their drugs in terms of toxicity for their patients. This elimination and modification can save a lot of time, money and even lives. For example many cancer patients endure treatments as experiments. However, if toxicology were to advance further more secure and helpful treatments would be found faster. Thus more lives would be saved.

Another field known as functional genomics, focuses on determining phenotypes that are cause by gene deletion or insertion. This is useful for useful pharmaceutical companies that use plant based medicines as well as general food consumption. Companies that modify their plants for human or animal consumption must know what the modification will result in. Certain modifications can help greatly for medicines and some may harm due to a change in toxicity.

All in all, although metabolomics is a new and growing field it is a vital one when it comes to advances in medicine. The more studies done in this field will result in more cures and treatments for diseases and a more medically advanced world.

BIOL 2360


Metabolomics is the scientific study of the set of metabolites is a cell, tissue or organism. The sets of metabolites are considered to be metabolomes. Metabolomics is somewhat of a new study and what it aims to do is to create metabolic profiles for healthy individuals so if these profiles can be compared to; let’s say a diseased person, we could determine only with small liver tissue extraction what’s wrong with the person and so on. A standard metabolic profile is hard to make since people have different lifestyles, diets etc. Metabolites are any organic molecule detectable in the body with a molecular weight of less than 1500 Daltons.
In a healthy person, endogenous metabolites are within the highest concentration. Then comes drugs, food additives/ phytochemicals, drug metabolites and lastly, toxins. So let’s say a person has a disease, we will see changes in these concentrations. Drugs may be higher in concentration than endogenous metabolites. Even if someone has a bacterial infection, toxin concentration levels may rise higher than its normal concentration.
Techniques such as mass spectrometry and other combined techniques are used to determine metabolite activity within a cell, tissue or organism. When quantitative methods of metabolomics are used, we can observe what metabolites are in the bio fluid which was taken from the cell, tissue or organism and how the interact. From this, we can determine a list of metabolic pathways and even see which metabolic pathways are being disturbed. Figuring this out can help doctors diagnose patients a lot faster and send them on their path to be cured.



User, Super. 2014. ‘Metabolomics Society’. Metabolomicssociety.Org.

Wikipedia,. 2014. ‘Metabolomics’.

YouTube,. 2014. ‘Metabolomics’.



Aids in Carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.

A cofactor in is any substance other than the substrate that is needed for the activity of an enzyme. Biotin is the cofactor of carboxylase enzymes. Since the manufacturers of the biotin supplement claim that it aids in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, we need to look at carboxylase mediated reactions in these metabolic processes.

We can find the carboxylase enzyme in the first bypass reaction of Gluconeogenesis. This reaction is
Pyruvate + CO2 + ATP —> Oxaloacetate + ADP +Pi
The enzyme that catalyses this reaction is Pyruvate carboxylase and of course, its cofactor is biotin.
Gluconeogenesis which takes place in the liver is needed in the fasting state to produce glucose. All the enzymes of gluconeogenesis are the same as glycolysis except for four of them which are Pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase which part take in the first bypass reaction, Fructose – 1, 6 – bisphosphatase which part takes in the second bypass reaction and glucose – 6- phosphatase which takes part in the third bypass reaction. So as we can see, biotin is needed for the pyruvate carboxylase in the first bypass reaction or gluconeogenesis cannot take place. The claim that biotin supplements aid in carbohydrate metabolism is true.

Again, we find the carboxylase enzyme in the committed step of fatty acid synthesis. The reaction is
Acetyl CoA + CO2 + ATP —> Malonyl CoA + ADP +Pi
The enzyme that catalyses this reaction is Acetyl CoA carboxylase and biotin is the cofactor. Fatty acid synthesis which takes place in the liver is needed in the fed state when we have excess carbohydrates in our bodies. In the well fed state, the energy requirements of the body is met so we do not need Acetyl CoA to enter the Krebs cycle. In this case, Acetyl CoA is converted to citrate and leaves the cell where is converted back to acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA can be used in the Krebs cycle and fatty acid synthesis but because we are in the fed state, we need to commit the Acetyl CoA to fatty acid synthesis. To do this, we use the enzyme Acetyl CoA carboxylase to convert Acetyl CoA to Malonyl CoA. As we know, biotin is the cofactor of this enzyme so the claim that biotin aids in fat metabolism is true.

We find the carboxylase enzyme in the breakdown of amino acids like leucine, isoleucine and valine. The enzyme used is Beta-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase. This enzyme converts these amino acids to ketone body precursors like HMG CoA. Carboxylase enzymes namely Propionyl CoA carboxylase is also used for the conversion of Propionyl CoA to Succinyl CoA which is a Krebs cycle intermediate.



Wikipedia,. 2014. ‘Biotin’.

Wikipedia,. 2014. ‘Isoleucine’.

Wikipedia,. 2014. ‘Propionyl-Coa Carboxylase’.

Publised paper review 3

Wilson, Lawrence. 2014. ‘How Nutrition Affects Emotions And Behavior’. Drlwilson.Com.


Something occurred to me recently and it was that we’ve studied the chemical composition of foods and basically the body’s reaction to them; by creating pathways and systems to support and perform a healthy function; with the use of these chemicals/ the nutrition given to the body. This article actually reads on the psychological and therefore behavioural reactions that the body undergoes due to the consumption of particular chemicals. Many mental diseases with physical manifestations and social implementations are touched on, ranging from Autism to biochemical depression, even to disorders such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [OCD] and Schizophrenia.
Learning disabilities are also linked to a poor nutrition, intestinal dysbiosis, food allergies and an imbalance of the chemicals Mercury, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc (found in vaccinations or pharmaceutical drugs). The previously mentioned chemicals function as sedatives to the nervous system and so can assist in the calming of a hyperactive mind and/or body. However, extremely high levels of these chemicals in the system can result in biochemical depression – causing a suppression of the nervous activity, immense fatigue, impaired thyroid gland and adrenal glandular function.
There are a few concise case studies in the article explaining the possible defects and how they may have developed due to an unbalanced nutrition, as well as the human behavioural aspects due to nutritional deficiencies.
It is important to have a balanced diet and gain full nutrition from your foods as it not only affects the physical health but the mental, emotional and by extension social health as well. So maybe you can check it out, you may learn something new.

A decade of molecular cell biology: achievements and challenges



Asifa Akhtar, Asifa. 2014. ‘A Decade Of Molecular Cell Biology: Achievements And Challenges’. Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology 12 (10): 669. doi:10.1038/nrm3187.
A 10 year anniversary was celebrated by Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology so in honour of this, different researchers where asked to comment on the evolution of molecular cell biology over the past decade including the achievements and challenges. The researchers’ names are as follows: Asifa Akhtar, Elaine Fuchs, Tim Mitchison, Reuben J. Shaw, Daniel St Johnston, Andreas Strasser, Susan Taylor, Claire E. Walczak and Marino Zerial.
A question was raised as to what they thought was the most significant new concepts in the field of molecular cell biology and whether the progress was aided by a specific technical advance. (The researchers’ initials are used)
A.A. spoke about epigenetics, the discovery that a combination of four transcription factors can induce a pluripotent state which would help in stem cell research (E.F. also mentioned this point but in greater detail) and also, the involvement of non-coding RNAs in some cellular and nuclear processes. T.M. mentioned Reaction – diffusion gradients specifying positional information inside cells. Gradients inside cells can now be used as a spatial organising concept. R.J.S mentioned that he was amazed by the amount of information we still lacked on the cell due to their advances in autophagy. D.St J. said that the most important technical advance is the use of RNA interference to knock down gene function. A.S. talked about the ability to reprogram differentiated cells to take on a pluripotent stem cell fate. S.T. mentioned Genomic science and sequencing technology and how the play a great role in the advancing or evolutionary biology. C.E.W and M.Z. spoke about RNA Interference and genome organisation.
A lot of amazing information can be learned and was learned from this article. It’s extraordinary to see how far Science can take us as a species. I do hope that in the years to come, more advances can be made in the field of Molecular Cell Biology.





Eukaryotic cells possess 80s ribosomes. What does the “s” unit of measurement stand for?

A. Schwann
B. Szilard
C. Schrödinger
D. Svedberg
E. Sarutobi


Select the correct multiple answer using ONE of the keys A, B, C, D or E as follows:
A. 1, 2 and 3 are correct
B. 1 and 3 are correct
C. 2 and 4 are correct
D. only 4 is correct
E. all are correct

What is/are the function(s) of carbohydrates?
1. Energy production
2. Energy storage
3. Precursor molecules
4. Basic genetic material

Publish Paper 1 Review – Regional Aerobic Glycolysis.

S. Neil Vaishnavi, M. E. R. 2010. Regional aerobic glycolysis in the human brain. Accessed 8th April 2014.

In this paper an experiment using 33 right-handed neurologically normal young adults at rest was used to calculate the regional distribution of aerobic glycolysis using positron emission tomography. Aerobic glycolysis can be defined as the state where glucose metabolism exceeds that used for oxidative phosphorylation despite sufficient oxygen to metabolize glucose to carbon dioxide and water. It was stated that aerobic glycolysis normally increases with increase cellular activity. This experiment was used to further help understand the role of glycolysis in the human brain at rest. Also to determine whether there is variations in glycolysis in the brain and how this in turns affect overall brain energy utilization.
Aerobic glycolysis is traditionally assessed in terms of the molar ratio of oxygen consumption to glucose utilization and a number less than 6 is indicative anerobic glycolysis is present. From the results gathered it was seen that the regions of the brain with high aerobic glycolysis included prefrontal cortex, lateral parietal cortex, posterior cingulate/precuneus, lateral temporal gyrus, gyrus rectus, and caudate nuclei. Whereas low aerobic glycolysis was found in the inferior temporal gyrus and throughout the cerebellum. Thus from the results it can be seen that the levels of aerobic glycolysis are not strictly related to the levels of brain energy metabolism but factors for ongoing aerobic glycolysis in the brain may be: 1) Energy – because the brain needs to suport membrane bound processes which needs ATP it would need to perform aerobic glycolysis to get the required energy. 2) Biosynthesis and 3) redox states.
Therefore from this research it can be seen that not only brain activity affects the level of aerobic glycolysis but there may be many other contributing factors. Thus research in this area should continue as it may help in the prevention/ curing of brain functioning related diseases.

This article is very appealing and everyone interested in biochemistry should take a look at it!!!! 🙂

Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids


Holla hommes! Welcome back! On this post we’re talking about Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids…which should be hella obvious from the title, or not, but what-evz! Now you know. So what is a nucleotide? Well that’s pretty simple. A nucleotide is an organic molecule that is a subunit of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA. What are they made up of you may ask? And to this question I shall answer that it is a nucleoside + a phosphate. And now you want to know what a nucleoside is made up of right? Of course you do. A nucleoside made up of a nitrogenous base + five-carbon sugar therefore a nucleotide is a nitrogenous base + five-carbon sugar + phosphate.



Okay, so how about we get all up in this nucleotide and see what’s going on with the sugar! By the way, the sugar is the main characteristic of the DNA and RNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid who goes by the street name DNA is made up of deoxyribose and Ribonucleic acid whose street name is RNA (as you may have guessed) is made up of ribose sugar. (The ‘de’ in deoxyribose indicates the lack of oxygen on the second carbon in the ribose sugar.)


Our homme DNA


DNA – The mysterious double helix, self-replicating material that makes up our chromosomes and is the carrier for our genetic information. As mentioned before DNA is made up of a five-carbon sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate. Lets talk about the nitrogenous bases in DNA. There are two categories of nitrogenous bases, single ring and double ring. The single ring bases are known as pyrimidines, which consist of Cytosine (C), Thymine (T) and Uracil (in RNA) and double ring bases are purine, which consist of Adenine (A) and Guanine (G). In DNA a purine always pairs with a pyrimidine by means of a hydrogen bond, which is strong enough to hold them together, but also allows them to be separated when necessary. This bonding creates the ladder seen in the double helix formation. Adenine is paired with Thymine and Cytosine is paired with Guanine. The backbone, which is seen on the outskirts of the double helix, is made of sugar-phosphate pairs. The backbones run from 3’ (3 prime) – the sugar end to 5’ (5 prime) – the phosphate end and are anti-parallel to each other. Therefore one side is 3’ – 5’ and the other side is 5’ to 3’.



Namingggg! (The simplest part)

For Nucleosides:

–      For purine nucleosides would simply change the ending to “-sine”: Guanosine & Adenosine

–      For pyrimidine nucleosides you would change the ending to “-dine”: Thymidine, Uridine, Cytidine,

For Nucleotides:

–      You would begin with the nucleoside name above and then add “mono-”, “di-”, or “triphosphate” according to the number of phosphates present (Mono=1, Di=2, Tri=3): Adenosine Monophosphate, Cytidine Triphosphate, Deoxythymidine Diphosphate.


I know you’re like, seriously though, like what’s the big deal with nucleotides?


Welllllll I’ll tell you what the big deal is! First of all, nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA and RNA. Meaning with out them we’d be nothing, zip, zilch, zero, and nada homie! They can be compared to amino acids in their role in proteins. They are responsible for selectively binding to a protein and regulating its activities. In other words they are allosteric effectors. They serve as an energy currency in cellular metabolism and they make up the structures of many enzyme cofactors?

And now you’re all like, what about nucleic acids!!?

Gosh chill, I was getting there. Well most importantly, DNA has the information needed to create fuctional proteins and RNAs. They also have promoters that assist in the regulation of gene expression. rRNAs or Ribosomal RNAs help to make up ribosomes and they help with the creation of proteins. mRNAs (Messenger RNAs) are like FedEx for genetic information. They transport genetic information from the gene to the ribosome. tRNAs decode information in mRNAs into an amino acid sequence and some RNAs can increase the rate of biochemical reactions


Most Famous Nucleotide!! – ATP!!!
Real name, Adenosine Triphosphate isanucleotide containing adenine, ribose, and a triphosphate group.ATP is often wrongly referred to as an energy-storage molecule, however a more accurate term would be an energy carrier or energy transfer agent. ATP diffuses though the cell to make energy so that the cell can perform other work such as ion transport, cell movement and biosynthetic reaction. ATP’s chemical potential energy is made available when one or two of its phosphate groups are relocated to another molecule. This course of action can be denoted by the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP.


Forms of Nucleic Acids

B form – This is the most common conformation for DNA.

A form – This is common for RNA and is favored in conditions of low water. Contains deeper minor groove and shallow major groove.

Z form – Contains narrow, deep minor groove and the major groove is hardly existent. This can form for some DNA sequences and requires alternating syn and anti base configurations. It is known as being left handed, meaning that is coil in the left direction. Z form also contains high salt/charge neutralization.


And finally: Stability of Nucleic Acids

Nucleic acids contain hydrogen bonding but it is not usually a factor the stability of nucleic acids however it contributes to the double helix in DNA and RNA secondary structure. What does contribute to the nucleic acid stability is the hydrophobic interaction between base pairs. It is favorable for the hydrophobic bases to exclude waters and stack on top of each and this stacking is expand in double-stranded DNA.


Thanks so much for reading and I hope you found it informative and helpful.

Chao for now!